The sunset of 3G communications is on the horizon and as your partner, we’re here to help. As you consider when to swap out your customer’s equipment, we encourage you to plan ahead and transition your installed base from 3G to LTE sooner than later. This will help to avoid potential connectivity issues for your customers and other uncertainty tied to the sunset.
How does transitioning now benefit your customers?
- Ongoing connectivity issues minimized
- Longevity for the hardware they purchase
- Faster and more reliable data transmissions
Don’t delay, order your Elevator Connect 1000 4G/VoLTE now.
- Minimize truck rolls for upgrades by installing equipment with the longest available in-service life for all new jobs.
- Reduce operational expenses by carrying the updated inventory now and performing upgrades as part of your normal service calls, thereby eliminating unnecessary future truck rolls.
- Get in front of increased demand. We expect increased demand on 4G/LTE hardware leading up to each of the cellular carrier’s sunset dates and so encourage you to order while equipment is readily available.
Ready to get out in front of the 3G sunset? Contact Tom Worthington to get your Elevator Connect 1000 order started.
This all sounds great, Kings III, but what if I simply want to refer my customers to you and not deal with elevator phones at all? Allow us to introduce you to our referral program.