More than an Intercom: Your Pools Require Phone Systems with a Reliable Emergency Response.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately 4000 fatal unintentional drownings in the United States alone each year. One out of every five drowning fatalities is estimated to be children fourteen and under, meaning, with roughly ten drowning deaths per day, at least two are children. The number of nonfatal submersion injuries sustained by a child is five times greater. With odds like that, it’s essential that your swimming pools are prepared in the event of an emergency.
Kings III offers top-quality emergency pool help phones, available in models designed for both swimming pool phone lines and cellular connections, tailored to fit any outdoor space. Built with rugged, weather-resistant designs, each pool help phone ensures a reliable way to summon help in outdoor situations. Our all-inclusive solution covers everything from equipment and installation to lifetime maintenance and 24/7/365 emergency pool phone monitoring. Our aim is for your emergency pool phone product to be dependable in any emergency through any weather situation.
Find out how to improve safety and reduce costs at your property
Our best-in-class emergency phone + monitoring solutions provide peace of mind and are backed by decades of expertise
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Emergency Beyond Drowning: What Our Call Log Reviews Reveal
Our emergency pool phones are not just for drowning incidents. You’d be surprised how often our swimming pool phones are used in various situations—from children needing assistance to health crises, domestic disputes, thefts, and even weather-related disasters. Kings III emergency dispatchers handle a range of emergency calls from these outdoor phone units, often serving as the only lifeline in moments of distress. This reinforces the importance of a year-round monitored pool phone system, as its usefulness extends beyond just pool season. Here’s an example of how versatile and vital these phones can be:
The Solution: Our Code Compliant Outdoor and Emergency Pool Phone Monitoring Solution
It’s more than just a product, it’s a solution. With the press of a button on your swimming pool phone, a call is immediately connected to our 24/7 emergency dispatch center. Live operators assess the situation and follow your designated call list or dispatch emergency services as needed.
If a child activates the emergency pool phone and an adult presence can’t be verified, the operator will stay on the line while another contacts the property to ensure proper supervision.
If immediate medical attention is required, a Kings III operator can provide assistance. We have Advanced Emergency Medical Dispatch certified (AEMD) operators, which means they are able to provide step-by-step pre-arrival instructions (including CPR) as needed.
What about accidental dials and false alarms, perceived as false or otherwise? One of the many benefits of Kings III’s pool phone emergency monitoring service is that it allows us to mitigate false alarms and prevent them from tying up vital resources such as police, firefighters, and EMS. Rest assured, however, that if there are any issues with communication during the call, if we can hear the caller but he or she cannot hear us, we do not stop until we can ensure that no emergency exists. If any of the scenarios above occur and we cannot verify whether everything is alright through the phone that was activated, we take special measures.
Phone Safety Goes Beyond the Law
Pool phones not required by law in your state? Even if it’s not a legal mandate, not having a pool phone can still leave your residents and property vulnerable to life-threatening safety risks. In an emergency, having a reliable phone nearby ensures immediate help and can make all the difference when time is critical. See why: Why You Need a Pool Phone Regardless of State Laws
Some Commonly Asked Questions About Emergency Pool Phones
What is a pool phone?
Exactly what it sounds like! Emergency pool phones are communication devices located in close proximity to public swimming pools (no further than 200 unobstructed feet from the pool in most states), dedicated solely to allow the user to dial out and connect to means of help in an emergency situation.
How can I be sure my pool phone is working?
Periodic manual testing and automatic self-testing are the best assurances your phone is working.
How do I know if I need an emergency phone by my pool?
Many states require that you have an emergency pool phone in close proximity to the pool. Whether your state mandates it or not, having a swimming pool phone can help avoid the cost of tragedy and reduce your liability.
Should a pool phone be on a landline or cellular line?
Both landlines and cellular lines can be used for emergency pool phones. The type of line utilized typically varies by your property's individual needs. Primarily, cellular lines are used to avoid the costs of trenching for new landline telephone service. Also, the price of our cellular solution is less than the price of a traditional phone line.
What are the laws for pool phones in the United States?
Requirements for pool phones vary at the local level, typically state by state. See pool phone laws for your state here.