What an Emergency Dispatch Operator Will Most Likely Ask You

What an Emergency Dispatch Operator Will Most Likely Ask You

When suddenly faced with an emergency, you may immediately feel frightened and helpless. An emergency communications system can help reduce or eliminate those reactions by providing immediate assistance.

Emergency dispatch operators are trained to provide real-time responses and first-aid instructions such as CPR. While working with the dispatcher, it’s best to listen to and follow their instructions. This can help prevent the emergency from getting worse.

Keep in mind that the questions that dispatchers as may seem intrusive or irrelevant, but they are actually time-tested questions that help get the assistance to you faster while gathering the correct information of the incident and its known victims in advance.

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Every call center is created differently which can affect the types of questions you would be asked in an emergency situation. For example, Kings III Emergency Communications systems differentiates itself from the typical dispatch center or 911 set up by knowing the location the call is being made from and which dedicated line you’re speaking on as well.

Once in contact with a dispatcher, be sure to speak clearly and give as much detail as possible. Below, you can review some of the most commonly asked questions that dispatchers ask and how to answer them.

Question 1: “What is the location of the emergency?”

A Kings III operator will never need to ask this question. Your location is already provided by the system to ensure time is not wasted and confusion is avoided.

For a typical 911 call, you may have to give the operator the following information:

  • Cross streets or landmarks
  • Business names or parks nearby
  • House numbers surrounding you
  • GPS coordinates

Question 2: “What is the phone number you are calling from?”

A Kings III operator will never need to ask this question. A phone number is not needed because the system line you use is “dedicated”, or connected directly to our call center. You and your operator can get right to the issue at hand.

Question 3: “What is the problem?”

A Kings III operator will need to ask this question. This question can be asked immediately since our operators already have the necessary information from the 2 previous questions. When answering this question, try to:

  • Be concise
  • Stay calm
  • Provide as many details as you can
  • Avoid telling what led to the emergency situation. A backstory will waste time.

Question 4: “Who is involved?”

Tell the dispatcher:

  • Are you involved or are you a witness?
  • Provide the names of those involved, if known
  • Are those involved still at the scene of the emergency, or have they left? (Ex: A mugger)

As always, provide as many details as possible to the dispatcher. Listed below are several details that can be helpful:

  • Names
  • Male/Female
  • Ethnicity/Race (*for description purposes*)
  • Short/Tall/Heavy/Thin
  • Hair Color/Facial Hair
  • Clothing Description
  • Shoes
  • Vehicle description, if applicable
  • If a criminal has left the scene, name the direction

Question 5: “How will the first responders know you when they arrive?”

This may sound like a personal question, but it will help save time when emergency respondents arrive on the scene. Instant recognition can help save lives. Describe your clothing and physical attributes, similar to the details listed in the previous question above.

Question 6: “What is happening to the victim right now?”

Provide a status report: Is the victim conscious? Breathing? Coughing? Bleeding?

Question 7: “How old is the victim?”

If you don’t know, give your best guess. It would help to give a general age frame, like child, teenager, young male or female, middle-aged, or senior.

If a fire is involved, the dispatcher may ask the following questions:

  • Is anyone inside the property on fire
  • Is anyone injured as a result of the fire?
  • What is the color of the smoke and the flames?
  • Is CPR needed?
  • Are you able to perform CPR or do you need us to talk you through the process?

Kings III Emergency Communications helps reduce dispatch questions

The objective of all emergency calls are clear communication and speed of response. A Kings III Communications system is solely dedicated to these two objectives – no multitasking, no distractions, no dropped calls, and fewer questions asked than a typical 911 dispatch center. With a Kings III system installed on your property, get the assistance you need at the push of a button – no phone numbers or addresses to memorize, the dispatcher already has those details. No scrambling for information, no wasted time, and no confusion. Live operators are staffed and available 24/7/365 and are highly trained to help with your emergency situations.

Find out more about Kings III Emergency Communications here.


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Kings III makes it easy as a single point-of-contact for all your emergency response needs. With expertise in line connectivity, compliance codes, equipment maintenance, and safety protocol, we offer the total package.